Ecopilas has created two specific industrial collection channels, adapted to the needs of producers and the most frequent technologies in this type of products, also ensuring complete traceability of the collection and management of these batteries.

Ni.Cd batteries are commonly used in large industrial installations, in the electrical, railway and oil and gas sectors. They are very demanded in intensive uses for their reliability and at the same time they require a high level of safety, but they need a high degree of control, due to their potential environmental danger.
In Ecopilas we have created a work group together with the main companies in the sector, to monitor these batteries and ensure their proper collection and final management.
Another important operation implanted in Ecopilas for industrial batteries is the lead battery collection channel, which has two modalities:
Industrial use, those used in industrial equipment such as UPS or to propel forklifts.
This collection channel currently represents 15% of all industrial collections made by Ecopilas thanks to agreements reached by Ecopilas with the main recyclers of lead-acid batteries in Spain, to ensure proper treatment of this type of waste.
Automotive use (those used for starting and lighting of vehicles).
The automotive batteries are collected mainly in the vehicle repair shops that Ecopilas producers have in their distribution centres.